Overheard at SFU

Photo Credit: Flickr

Student in hall: “He tries to make funny dad jokes, and they’re funny dad jokes that aren’t funny.”


Student in class: “Elmo was injured by falling debris.”


Student in class: “Bill was living out of the trunk of his car for 2 years.”


Student in hall: “I didn’t know the first Mad Max was set in a dystopian future. I thought that was just Australia!”


Prof lecturing: “Jazz was like the EDM of the 1930’s.”


Student outside: “Can I still listen to Michael Jackson if it’s June?”


Person 1: “World Literature is my life. I can’t even imagine being in something like English.”

Person 2: “Yeah, that’s because English sucks Moby Dick.”


Students on the bus: [speaking Chinese]

Girl: [Something something] Ed Sheeran!

Both: [loud giggles]


Student on the bus: “I hate the 135.”

Other student: “Yo, the 135 is my jaaaam.”


Student exiting bus: “Someone catcalled me on the street!”

Other student: “I’m not a big fan of catcalling.”

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