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You still have time to check out the Indian Summer Festival taking Vancouver by storm! This year marks the fifth year of the annual festival, running from July 9 to 18. SFU’s Goldcorp Centre for the Arts (149 W. Hastings St.) is hosting a wide variety of talks, as well as music and art events.

Check out one of three lectures offered on the evening of Thursday, July 16: learn about  igniting your own entrepreneurship, revolutionizing the world through sanitary pads, or enjoy a healthy dose of enlightening religious perspectives.

vancouverHarbour Centre

For the more business-inclined, check out the Jack Austin Centre for Asia Pacific Business Studies Seminar Series — hosted by the Beedie School of Business — which is offering a lecture on the “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) Initiative in China on July 13 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. This talk will be presented by Bo Chen, a professor from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. He will be sharing his perspectives on OBOR at the Segal Graduate School on 500 Granville Street in Vancouver, Room 2800.


Find yourself near Surrey campus on July 18 or 19? Drop by the Surrey Fusion Festival! This weekend affair offers a full schedule of events and activities packed into Holland Park, including cultural performances of music, dance and, of course, food!

This week at Surrey campus, you can get an extra edge with your own career in employment counselling or career development by taking part in the Career Development Practitioner Certificate program. This hour-long session begins at 8:30 p.m. on July 15, and will be presented by the Management and Professional Programs for Continuing Studies.

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