Board Shorts

Photo courtesy of SFU

Increased funding for BuildSFU bursaries

The SFSS board of directors unanimously passed a motion in favour of doubling the funds allocated from the Build SFU levy to SFU Financial Aid and Awards from three to six per cent.

The funds are to be distributed through the Build SFU Undergraduate Student Bursary, which was established for “students who demonstrate financial distress to apply for assistance in paying the Build SFU levy.”

Approval of financing Hi-F.I.V.E. stipends

VP Student Services Darwin Binesh presented a motion for the SFSS to contribute towards compensation for the volunteer position of “Project Coordinator” of the Hi-F.I.V.E. (Friendship, Invite conversation, Value everyone’s gift, Eliminate stigma) Movement for Mental Health.

Hi-F.I.V.E. is student-run initiative currently supported by the SFSS and Health and Counselling Services, who will be co-funding the stipend. The board moved to allocate $3,300 for the position, which will pay $300 biweekly for 44 weeks between August 2015 and May 2016.

Library hours extending for exam period

VP University Relations Brady Yano announced that the Burnaby campus’ WAC Bennett library will be open 24 hours for the first time during the summer semester exam period.

Beginning Friday, August 7 until the end of the exam period, students will be able to access the facilities at any time, with a student ID required after regular hours upon entrance.

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