The Peeeeeeeeeek!


It’s that time of year again, boys and ghouls: The Peak‘s Halloween issue is here. Check out some of our spooky Halloween content. . . if you dare.

Decorative contact lenses have potential to cause infection by Amanda Smith

SFU post-doc publishes science fiction novel by Jamal Dumas

Woohoo, Boohoo: The Kraken vs. The Loch Ness Monster by Jessica Whitesel

When done right, Halloween costumes can be empowering by Max Hill

More tricks and less treat this Halloween by Yemidale Ajayi

Comic Connoisseur: Wytches is a top-notch father-daughter thriller by Justin Stevens

Cinephilia: Goodnight Mommy is an unsettling psychological tragedy by Josh Cabrita

The timeless tale of Dracula comes to the stage by Xiu Qi Chin

Five horror comedies that scare and entertain by Jonathan Pabico

Five spooky video games to try this Halloween by Max Hill

Take a walk with the Lost Souls of Vancouver by Kendra Wong

The scary history of sports curses by Bartosz Wysocki

HUMOUR: TSSU aligns with Prince of Darkness to settle university dispute by Justin Stevens

How to avoid offending anyone with your Halloween costume this year by Jacey Gibb

Ways to improve your club’s Halloween mixer, based on science by Joey Ju

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