Board Shorts


External chair for fall 2014 semester

The SFSS voted against having an external chair for the fall 2014 term.

Despite having already increased the honorarium for the position by $675 for the fall, board decided to discontinue the position. As such, they will reallocate the $675 at a later meeting.


Fall FSU referendum question

Board voted to hold a referendum this fall concerning the establishment of a Faculty of Business Student Union, a Faculty of Science Student Union, and a Faculty of Health Sciences Student Union.

Council representative from the business faculty, David Chapman, explained that the business administration student society (BASS) has been pursuing its establishment as an faculty student union (FSU) for several years. “For the last 14 years, BASS has been functioning [in the same ways that] an FSU is said to be doing right now,” said Chapman.

Some board members questioned the proposal, saying that three FSU questions are not enough to justify holding a referendum that would cost the society approximately $12,000. Others, however, felt that providing students with this voting opportunity is an important responsibility of the society.


Build SFU Working Drawings Phase Cost Control and Indemnity Agreement

Board approved the Working Drawings Phase Cost Control and Indemnity Agreement, which includes the expenditure of up to $3,500,000 from the proceeds of the surrender of SFSS office space in the Maggie Benston Centre; these funds are allocated for architectural, mechanical, electrical, structural, and other services relating to Working Drawings Phase of the Build SFU student union building (SUB) project.

This phase will see the creation of blueprints for the SUB, including all of the architectural drawings and specifications necessary to complete the project.


Board Group Photo

Board announced that they will take their group photo on Wednesday, September 3. “Come dressed in your Sunday best,” said president Chardaye Bueckert.

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