Peak Publications Society board meeting agenda

Empty Conference Room --- Image by © Bill Varie/Corbis

Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

April 30, 2015

The Reef (Main Street)

Chair: Alison Roach

In Attendance:

Editor-in-Chief, Alison Roach

Collective Representative, Leah Bjornson

Collective Representative, Melissa Roach
At-Large Representative, Emma Kehler

At-Large Representative, Natalie Serafini

Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)

Guest, Max Hill

Guest, Brad McLeod


Lavpreet Parmar

  1.  Approval of Agenda
  1.   Approval of past minutes from April 9, 2015
  1. Tartan Magazine Pilot Proposal

Brad McLeod will present his proposal for a pilot issue of the Tartan Magazine. See Appendix A.

Motion: Whereas members consulted saw the benefits of launching a subsidiary, sister publication under the control of the Peak Publications Society, Whereas members felt a 50th Anniversary project would allow them to gauge student interest in a long-form journalism and creative writing publication, Be it resolved to approve the pilot project, “The Peak Publications Society presents: The Tartan: SFU’s 50th Anniversary Special,” as detailed in the attachment 1.0 (or w/e it is). Be it resolved to reallocate $2,885 from short-term investments to the pilot project budget.

  1. Removal of Features Editor Position

Motion: Whereas members consulted feel that weekly features coordinated by a Features editor are unnecessary, Whereas the Features section could be managed on a case-by-case basis by the Editor in Chief, Be it resolved to remove the position of Features editor from The Peak’s editorial staff.

  1. Change to Editor-in-Chief job description

Motion: Be it resolved to amend the EIC job description to include oversight and management of the features middle spread and back page.

  1. Employee Representative

Maia Odegaard to present a Katherine Gillard as a candidate for Employee Representative of the Board for the summer semester.

  1. New signing officers

Maia Odegaard to discuss the adoption of two new signing officers for the PPS’s bank account with Vancity Savings Credit Union, to replace Alison Roach and Leah Bjornson.

  1. Disciplinary Action

All guests will be asked to leave for discussion of this item.

  1.      Adjournment


Peak Publications Society Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

April 9, 2015, 5:30 p.m.

Peak Offices

In attendance:

Editor-in-Chief, Alison Roach

Collective Representative, Leah Bjornson

Collective Representative, Melissa Roach
At-Large Representative, Emma Kehler

At-Large Representative, Natalie Serafini

Maia Odegaard (Board Secretary, non-voting)

Guest, Max Hill

Guest, Brad McLeod

Guest, Adam Van der Zwan

Guest, Joel Mackenzie



Employee Representative, Lavpreet Parmar

1. Called to order: 5:40 p.m.

2. Approval of agenda

3. Approval of past minutes from March 12



4. Financial update
Maia Odegaard summarized the Society’s finances through March 31, 2015. See appendix B.

5. Investment update

Maia reported on the status of the Society’s investments.


6. Changing signing officer on Investment Account


Motion: to appoint Maia Odegaard and Max Hill as the new signing officers for the investment account managed by Vancity Investment Management and administered by Raymond James.


All in favour

7. Semesterly magazine proposal
The board discussed Brad McLeod’s request to go forward with a full proposal for a pilot of the Tartan magazine. Concerns regarding his initial proposal included the detailed financials, affiliation with The Peak, the transition of the features editor, and the hiring of staff for this pilot magazine.


Motion: The board tasked a working group composed of Brad McLeod, Max Hill, Leah Bjornson, and Maia Odegaard, to hold weekly meetings to solicit ideas from the collective and student body at large, and present a final proposal to the board at the first board meeting of the new semester.


All in favour
8. Amendment to job descriptions re: promotional events

Leah Bjornson presented on behalf of Katherine Gillard, Promotions Coordinator.

Motion: Whereas the Promotions Coordinator requires the help of Editorial Staff Members to host events, be it resolved to amend the job descriptions of all Editorial Staff Members to sign up to represent The Peak during at least two (2) events during the semester.


All in favour

9. News Editor and Associate News Editor SFSS election stipend


Leah Bjornson proposed an additional stipend for the editorial staff, in the event that they are required to go above and beyond their job descriptions, subject to preapproval by the EIC.

BIRT in the event that supplementary projects require editorial staff members to work beyond the requirements of their job descriptions, editorial staff members may collect an additional stipend based on an hourly rate of $15 for additional work with an estimated number of hours.


All in favour
10. Distribution update


Maia Odegaard updated the board on the ongoing investigation of the distribution incident, which took place on Monday, March 23, 2015. The SFU security supervisor conducting the investigation, Jason Morlin, informed us that he had finished his review of the security footage of the loading dock and had determined who was responsible for placing the bundles of current issues in the recycling, However, as the incident involves an SFU student, and The Peak and its Business Manager are not affiliated with SFU, security’s policy dictates that the matter be brought towards SFU Student Discipline, and Morlin was unable to give us further details.
11. Making minutes and board meeting agendas available online


Task: The Chair of the Board will be required to publish the meeting agenda online 24 hours in advance of each board meeting, and the minutes will be published on the Peak website within one week of approval.

No vote.


  • Adjournment


7:00 p.m.

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